OK so not too much has happened in the last couple of weeks!! OK maybe just a few things. We have moved into our new house YAY!! It's all coming together kind of. I will take some pictures when we get everything all done.
Emma turned 4 on April 24th. We have been putting off her birthday party until we get settled in. Of course she is having a princess party... would it be anything else for my girly girl! She still dresses up in about 80 different outfits through out the day. Emma is loving her new pink room and both kids are doing great in there own rooms. It will be even better when we get blinds up on all the windows. Emma is a smart little cookie and loves her snacks! She gets to go into the early entry program this fall for school and is getting excited. I can't believe how big she is getting. We love Emma very much and are so proud of her. She is such a nice little girl and kind to everyone.
Tobin is seriously busy! He is into absolutely everything. I need some nice weather so that I can take the kids out for a walk during the day. Tobin is happy in the house and does have lots of space to run but, he won't just go and play. He is constantly following me around pulling out everything that I put away. So frustrating! He is a happy little boy and loves to play with Emma when she lets him! I love hearing them laughing and playing together... it makes my day so good when I hear that. I love my little boy so much and wouldn't change it for anything... well maybe just a little less of the pulling everything out!
Sunday was May 2. May 2 is a really special day for us. This is the day that Ethan was born. He was so tiny and small. We miss him so much. Ethan would be 5 years old. I can't believe it has been 5 years already. May 21 is another day that we remember... this is the day that he passed away. It was a super hard time in our life but I know as we turn to the Lord and let him guide us things will always be OK. I know the atonement is real. I can't wait for the day that I get to hold him in my arms again. It will come I know it.
Life is busy but it's pretty darn good.