Saturday, June 6, 2009

Things Kids Say!!

You know how kids say things just the way they are. Well let me tell you 2 things that Emma has recently said. I like how people have written the dialogue like a script so here you go.

Me: Good girl Emma for pooping in the potty.
My sister ( she is on the phone with me): Was it a big poo?
Me: Yup it was a pretty big log.
Emma: It's not a log mommy, it's a poop!

Ya that was pretty funny and is one of her quotes that I don't think I'm going to ever forget!

Then today we were all laying on my bed and Travis had just gotten out of the shower and had on a pair or shorts with no top, he has some chest hair! This is how this conversation went.

Emma: You gots lots of hair Daddy.
Travis: Yup I do
Mom: Ya he's got a lot. Hey Emma we should put pony tails in it.
Emma: No put messy buns in it.
Mom: Ya those are better than just pony tails.

Anyone that knows Emma knows that is her favorite way to wear her hair. Needless to say we never did get any pictures of messy buns on Travis's chest, but it would have been funny to see. From the mind of a 3 year old. She is also quite into her dress up clothes. I found her one day dressed a little swanky too... I got mad at her and told her to put her clothes back on. She had no idea what was wrong with what she was wearing. Try and picture this... She had all her clothes off except her panties and then she was wearing a little black tutu as a skirt then she has this little purple tulle fairy skirt( totally see through) and she was wearing it as a tube top! Honestly I have no idea where she came up with that outfit, it sure wasn't from me!!! Emma and her dressing up are a whole other post! The things they do. On another note she is fully potty trained and has been wearing panties to be now for the last 2 nights dry, her pull ups have been dry every night for the last hmm I don't know how many months. She is great... I love her to bits and there is never a dull day when she is around!


Francis Family said...

The messy buns! Awesome!! lol And yay for being fully potty trained, that's got to be a huge weight lifted off you! I still have that weight, and it's a BIG weight!!! lol

Jess said...

Congats on the potty training! Can't wait for Sophie to be there!